Swingin' D Rescue Ranch Rules
Rules are not written for the 99.9 percent of good people who have good intentions and who just want to do good work. Rules are created for the tiny fraction of people who surprise you. The rules and requirements on this page are meant to protect our volunteers, our organization, and most of all, our horses that have already suffered enough in their lives.
- Horse rescue volunteers may enter the property with a signed volunteer agreement and prior written permission. A board member will talk with you about appropriate parking spots.
- Volunteers may only handle horses with prior written permission from a Swingin’ D board member. Unless the volunteer has a scheduled shift, permission must be obtained prior to each session.
- SDHR does not currently have a public restroom, so please plan accordingly.
- The rescue is on private property, so the home and its backyard are not available for rescue use.
- Horse rescue volunteers may only ride after a probationary period, only with written permission and a signed release, and only wearing a helmet (if you don’t have your own helmet, check with us.)
- No drinking alcoholic beverages or smoking of any kind allowed on the property. Volunteers may not enter SDHR premises while under the influence of any mind-altering substance or controlled-dangerous substance unless prior arrangements have been made in writing and approved by the SDHR board. General permission to enter, which does not explicitly mention conditions relating to substance use, shall not suffice.
- Please observe strict quarantine protocols at all times. Horses in QT must be handled last, and only with designated QT equipment.
- Never co-mingle QT tools, water hoses and tack with the herd’s tools and tack.
- Take advantage of hospital gowns, boot covers, rubber gloves and hand sterilizer when handling QT horses.
- Never remove QT horses from their QT pen, and always keep healthy horses at least 30 yards from QT horses and their feed, hoses, tools and tack.
- Treats may only be fed across a fence, in a bucket or pan (no hand feeding inside paddocks or pens).
- During feeding time, do not carry feed into paddocks, pens, barns, sheds, shelters or any other areas where horses congregate until horses are separated. Feed the area, not the horse.
- Please wear closed-toed shoes (no sandals or flip-flops). We recommend and prefer boots with reinforced or steel toes.
- Avoid wearing clothing or jewelry with dangling straps or ties.
- Tie back long hair.
- Volunteers must obtain prior written permission and signed releases to bring any guests, including children, onto SDHR property.
- With prior written permission, children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- At no time is a child under 8 permitted to enter barns, sheds, paddocks or any other area where horses are present without a helmet.
- At no time are children permitted to run, roughhouse, scream, or otherwise make loud noises or sudden movements on SDHR premises.
- No screaming, running, roughhousing or sudden movements in paddocks, barns or other areas where horses are present.
- Volunteers and their guests must have prior written permission to bring dogs on SDHR premises. With prior permission, dogs must be kept on leashes under an adult’s control at all times. If your dog makes a mess, clean it up!
- Always lead horses with a halter and lead rope, controlling from the horse’s left side. Never lead a horse with a rope around the neck.
- Fold excess lead rope in your hand – never wrap it around hands, arms or neck.
- Be aware of horses’ monocular vision – blind spots in front of the nose, under the head, directly behind them.
- Never walk under horses, including under their necks, and never stand in blind spots.
- Never sit on the ground near any standing horse – no matter how calm or trained they appear.
- Leave the ranch in better shape than when you arrived! That means:
- Put halters, leads, buckets, tools, grooming supplies, etc. back where they belong.
- Throw away your own trash, and if you see trash during your visit, help us out by putting it in a trashcan!
- Fix what you break. If you can’t fix it, just let us know it needs to be replaced. (No one gets in trouble for honest mistakes.)
- Gates and doors that open, also close. Please check and re-check latches and locks before you leave.
- Top off all water troughs before you leave.
- There’s always plenty of poop to scoop! Scoop a load before you take off.
Volunteer Requirements
All new horse rescue volunteers must attend a volunteer orientation prior to volunteering on your own.
Volunteers must be 18 years of age to volunteer without an adult accompanying them.
Volunteers from 16 to 18 may volunteer with a parent or legal guardian present until the SDHR board determines they are capable of volunteering without adult supervision.
Volunteers must have all of the legal documents required to obtain employment per the DHS’s I-9 form, which mandates:
- List A Documents – passport, permanent resident card, alien registration receipt card, unexpired foreign passport, employment authorization document with photograph.
- List B Documents –Valid driver’s license or state or federal photo ID card, U.S. military card or draft record, Native American tribal document, voter’s registration card, valid school photo ID card, military dependent’s photo ID card
- Volunteers under 18 may present:
- School record or report
- Clinic, doctor, or hospital record
- Volunteers under 18 may present:
- List C Documents –Birth certificate, original Social Security card (copies not accepted), U.S. Citizen ID Card, ID Card for use of Resident
Citizen in the United States, Unexpired employment
authorization document issued by

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