Miracle of Miracles


Remember, the one stipulation generous donors required before they would pay to save Wilma from her inevitable execution, was that whoever rescued her must also rescue Howie and 2-year-old Pebbles. They were so attached at the kill pen, donors felt it would be more humane to let them die together than to force them to […]

Proof that prayer works


God proved He’s listening once again, this time answering prayers for Anastasia, a beautiful horse we saved from slaughter 18 months ago. Notice the title of this blog didn’t pose the question, “Does prayer work?” That ship sailed for me years ago. Baffled recently by several consecutive days of Anastasia‘s miraculous healing, where she didn’t […]


SHARE: With the nation on lockdown amid a global pandemic, horse slaughter is on hold. Here’s how we can end it forever.

Ani’s road to Happily Ever After

After a year and approximately $9,000, Anastasia has journeyed from slaughter to sanctuary… and Happily Ever After is closer than ever. Generous donors saved the stunning registered Missouri Fox Trotter from an Oklahoma kill pen in March 2019 and asked if Swingin’ D Horse Rescue could provide sanctuary. She was so profoundly lame, we were […]

Slaughterproof your horse


After saving dozens of horses from slaughter, we’ve noticed some recurring themes. Kill pens burst at the seams with horses whose owners failed to give them the one thing that could save their lives: Value. First and foremost, horses are expensive. The purchase price, adoption fee or bail is the cheapest expense you’ll ever have […]

Volunteering is good for the soul

Rescuing horses is not for the lazy or faint of heart. It’s grueling, dirty work. You go home at the end of each day with sweat-soaked clothes, manure-covered boots and grimy fingernails. Why on earth would you do it for free? I ask myself constantly why any volunteer would come back, week after week, to […]