Shut down kill pens? Then what?

By TAMI MARLER, MBA How did closing U.S. slaughter plants help horses? When Congress shuttered horse slaughter plants across the U.S. in 2007, horse lovers hoped we’d seen an end to horse slaughter. The reality is that America became the largest exporter of live horses for foreign slaughter in the world. The kill buyers that […]
Name Tami Marler Email tami Comment or Message Testing again. #3b5998 hex color red value is 59, green value is 89 and the blue value of its RGB is 152. Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #3b5998 hue: 0.61 , saturation: 0.44 and the lightness value of 3b5998 is 0.41. The process color […]
Testing from computer and not form online.
Name Tami Marler Email tami.marler Comment or Message Test with new email settings. Sent from Swingin D Horse Rescue
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