Miracle of Miracles


Remember, the one stipulation generous donors required before they would pay to save Wilma from her inevitable execution, was that whoever rescued her must also rescue Howie and 2-year-old Pebbles. They were so attached at the kill pen, donors felt it would be more humane to let them die together than to force them to […]

Proof that prayer works


God proved He’s listening once again, this time answering prayers for Anastasia, a beautiful horse we saved from slaughter 18 months ago. Notice the title of this blog didn’t pose the question, “Does prayer work?” That ship sailed for me years ago. Baffled recently by several consecutive days of Anastasia‘s miraculous healing, where she didn’t […]

A time for everything

There is a time for everything under the heavens. Today, as we watched The Ghosts leave for their new home, we felt all the feelings at once.

We do NOT sell horses

If everyone could own a horse, the world would be a much happier place. But we’ve seen firsthand, not everyone should own a horse. That’s why we never sell them.

Swingin’ D: “Source of financial gain” for owners?


Rolling in the… There are people who make a comfortable living in the horse rescue industry. They collect enough donations to pay substantial salaries, buy expensive vehicles, and provide perks that many people can only imagine. Horse rescue is a noble venture that takes back-breaking effort; so, good for them for figuring out how to […]

Ani’s road to Happily Ever After

After a year and approximately $9,000, Anastasia has journeyed from slaughter to sanctuary… and Happily Ever After is closer than ever. Generous donors saved the stunning registered Missouri Fox Trotter from an Oklahoma kill pen in March 2019 and asked if Swingin’ D Horse Rescue could provide sanctuary. She was so profoundly lame, we were […]

Kancia’s story will save lives

Hard knocks can be useful when we learn from them, and some lessons can only be learned through hard knocks. Half of Swingin’ D Horse Rescue’s mission is to save at-risk horses and place them in forever homes; the other half is to share those horses’ stories as teachable moments to promote responsible horse ownership. […]

Sounds evil when you put it that way


We get asked all the time, how on earth does a perfect horse like this get sent to slaughter?! Sometimes we can guess the excuses and justifications, but I often imagine how the decision must have evolved.   Dream Sequence: Bob’s Going to Slaughter Owner we’ll call Christina: “Ol’ Bob’s laminitis is acting up again. […]

One horse, two very different futures


Kancia’s story begins the same as nearly all the horses Swingin’ D Horse Rescue takes in: We didn’t have the space or the money, so when Susan called looking for a place for an older mare she’d intercepted from going to auction, I had to turn her away. Looks are deceiving I told myself the […]

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